Final Boost 4.0 Conference
Virtual event
10th of December 09:00 – 14:00 CET

Silvia de la Maza
Innovalia Association

Florian Reiterer
Nemak Linz

Toni Ventura
Innovalia Metrology

Begoña Laibarra

Cosmas Vamvalis
European Federation of National Maintenance Societies

Kimmo Rossi
European Commission

Harald Sehrschön

Bas Tijsma
Philips Consumer Lifestyle

Carmen Polcaro
Innovalia Association

Jordi Llinares
Ministry of Industry

Daniel Koechling
Benteler Automotive

Alessandro Canepa

Sebastian von Enzberg

Oscar Lázaro
Innovalia Association

Emanuele Sampaolo

Fabiana Fournier

Thanasis Naskos

Florian Reiterer
Florian Reiterer, studied Chemical Engineering at ETH Zurich, as well as Nuclear Engineering at ETH Zurich and EPF Lausanne. After spending three years in the nuclear industries, working as thermal-hydraulics project engineer within the company AREVA, he joined Johannes Kepler University Linz to work towards a PhD degree, specializing in the field of data-based modelling and control engineering. After 5.5 years at Johannes Kepler University (3.5 years as a PhD student, 2 years as a PostDoc) he joined Nemak in 2019 as RnD Engineer. The focus of his work is on the analysis of production data.

Cosmas Vamvalis
Is Electrical Engineer with an M.Sc. degree in Integrated Manufacturing Systems from the University of Birmingham, U.K.
He has worked for Land Rover, UK during 1992-1994 and for a couple Greek factories before he becomes Managing Director of Atlantis Engineering SA. The main product of Atlantis Engineering is the development and implementation of a Computerized Maintenance Management System. He has also participated in several Horizon Research Projects, including the technical management of two Factories of the Future projects.
He is Chairman in the European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS) and BoD member in the Association of Information Technology companies of Northern Greece (SEPVE).

Emanuele Sampaolo
Emanuele Sampaolo, got a degree in modern languages for international communication and cooperation. He joined Whirlpool in 2010, covering roles in different departments of the company. Over the last 5 years he experienced the Consumer Service from many standpoints: from technical field, passing through sales, coming to the planning department one year ago. In this last role, he was involved in the European project BOOST 4.0 where the main goal was to find out the best way to use the big data to improve the spare part planning, by adding more information in the first step of the flow and creating a new tool to have a better forecast. Emanuele lives in Italy with his wife and two children..

Daniel Koechling
Daniel Koechling, studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Paderborn. He worked as researcher in the field of self-optimizing production systems at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute in Paderborn until 2016. Then he joined Benteler Automotive as a project leader for Industry 4.0. Since last August he is the Innovation/Industry 4.0 Manager at Benteler Automotive.

Sebastian von Enzberg
Dr.-Ing. Sebastian von Enzberg is group manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic System Design (IEM) and is responsible for the topics of Production Management and Industrial Analytics. His research focus is methodology and application of data analytics and machine learning in industrial applications, especially in manufacturing. After studying electrical engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, he received his doctorate in December 2018 from the Department of Neuro-Information Technology on 3D data processing for metrological applications.

Thanasis Naskos
Thanasis Naskos, got a M. Sc. in Computer Science department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Grece. In 2017 he got his Ph. D. in the field of Cloud Resource Elasticity in the same university. In 2018 he joined Atlantis Engineering R&D department as a Data Scientist on Industry 4,0 technologies

Harald Sehrschön
Harald Sehrschön, Dipl.-Ing. Teamleader R&D, employed at Fill since 2008, and responsible for coordination of research projects. He graduated at the Technical University of Graz in Mechatronics in 2004 and became International Welding Engineer in 2012. He is experienced in systems engineering and project management of international research projects of Fill. At Fill he is responsible for R&D strategy, roadmap and technology monitoring as well as for Intellectual Property Rights Management and research collaborations. In 2020 Fill company, which is manufacturer of industrial equipment for series production and automation, established the Fill Future Zone a facility for research on industrial use cases in its series manufacturing technologies in different industry sectors as automotive, aerospace, sporting goods and different manufacturing processes as machine tools, casting machines, CFRP manufacturing machines, robotic applications as NDT inspection and much more. The companies mission statement is “If you are seeking the best solution, shape your future with Fill.”

Bas Tijsma
Bas Tijsma, Sr. Manufacturing IT Engineer
35, Living in Harlingen, Friesland
One girlfriend, two cats
Studied Mechanical engineering (BSc) and Industrial Engineering (MSc)
Working @ Philips Drachten over 9 years
Passion for manufacturing and IT
Leading team to drive digital innovation and advanced analytics

Alessandro Canepa
Alessandro Canepa, born in Turin (Italy) in 1969, he has a Business Administration Master Degree from Bocconi University, Milan. Founder and legal representative of i-Deal S.R.L.
Since year 2003 to i-Deal foundation, Innovation manager of Piacenza Cashmere, in charge of R&D activities, with 15 European Commission funded projects awarded. Evaluator for European Commission, project technical advisor for Agenzia per l’Innovazione (Italian Prime Ministry research Agency for Innovation), member of Textile Clothing Technology Eurpean platform led by Euratex since 2006 and contracting professor at “Texilia – Città Studi” Biella. It is also one of the promoters of the industry ATS (Temporary Scope Association) which has led to the creation of Textile Innovation Pole to Piedmont Region

Fabiana Fournier
Dr. Fabiana Fournier is a researcher in the IoT and Blockchain group at IBM Research – Haifa, holding a B.Sc. in Information Systems, and a M.Sc. and a PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Dr. Fournier has over twenty years of research, practical experience, and numerous publications in the areas of event processing, organizational and process modeling, business transformation, and blockchain. For the past three years, she has been leading the European blockchain related projects in the IBM Research lab in Haifa. Many of the projects in which Dr. Fournier has been involved received prestigious awards, including the IBM Technical and Science Accomplishment Awards in the areas of component business modelling, systems engineering in the aerospace and defense, and artifact-centric processes, the IBM Open source Accomplishment Award for the work on the complex event processing tool PROTON, and the IBM Technical and Science Outstanding Accomplishment Award for her work in the area of event processing.

Jordi Llinares
Jordi Llinares is a Computer Engineer and Senior Corps career official of State. He has worked as a consultant for Hewlett-Packard as well as in various positions in the General State Administration. He is currently the Deputy Director of Industry Digitization and Collaborative Environments at the Ministry of Industry.

Silvia de la Maza
Ms Silvia de la Maza graduated as a mechanical engineer in the University of the Basque Country (Spain), and she is an MSc on Knowledge Management by Cranfield University (UK). Since 2005, she has been involved in the creation, coordination and management of Projects at national and European level, starting as a project manager and later as the R+D manager in Innovalia Association. She is actively involved in the Pilot group for Basque industry 4.0.

Oscar Lazaro
Dr Oscar Lazaro is the Managing Director of Innovalia Association. Dr Oscar Lazaro has more than 15 years of experience in the ICT field and is leading research and product development activities of Innovalia for Smart Cities and Factories of the Future domains. Oscar Lazaro is also Visiting Professor at the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Strathclyde in the area of wireless & mobile communications. He is since 2013 chairman of the Digital Business Innovation (DBI) cluster and a permanent representative of Innovalia in the European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) and Future Internet (FI-PPP) Steering Boards. Dr Oscar Lazaro has successfully led research initiatives of the highest caliber at national and European level, e.g. iTETRIS, FASyS, FITMAN, ComVantage. He has taken part in various projects advisory boards, GeoNet, SECRICOM, IMAGINE, LinkedDesign. He has received various recognitions for the excellence of his research, has more than 50 publications in internationally referred journals and conferences. Dr Oscar Lazaro also collaborates with the European Research Council (ERC), as external expert for the evaluation of ICT proposals in the IDEAS Advanced Grants Programme, as scientific expert for ANR & FCT agencies in France and Portugal, as expert for the Eurostars SME programme and as business development assistant for the Business Innovation Office of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Dr Oscar Lazaro is and has been involved in various road-mapping activities in the ICT for Manufacturing field in projects Road4Fame, Next Generation Computing (NGC), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) or BigDataValueEU.

Carmen Polcaro
Ms Carmen Polcaro has more than 15 years of experience assessing and supporting SMEs in their research and innovation activities, analysing their needs and providing technological solutions to promote the creation of new products and processes, improve efficiency and identify market opportunities. Her scientific background is in Industrial Chemistry and Material Science, with a strong focus on R&D gained during since the collaboration with CNR Italian National Research Council at the beginning of her career. In 2008 she joined Innovalia, where she coordinated several R+D European projects in the field of ICT solutions (IoT, Cyberphysical systems, Big Data) for the manufacturing industry. Among the recent activities, it is worth to mention her involvement in BEinCPPS – Business Experiments in Cyber Physical Production Systems and MIDIH – manufacturing Industry digital Innovation Hubs, where with her team she is leading technological, business and networking activities for the benefit of SMEs provided by the Euskadi Digital Innovation Hub.

Begoña Laibarra
Begoña Laibarra graduated in Computer Sciene and obtained a master´s degree in Robotics and Automation. Since 1991 she works for CARSA. She has been responsible for R&D projects coordination of Manufacturing and Information Technologies. Since 1998 works as General Manager of SQS S.A.
She has been responsible of systems V&V definition and implementation for a wide range of embedded systems including safety critical systems. She has also been responsible of the design and implementation software quality process improvement actions.

Antonio Ventura-Traveset
Antonio Ventura-Traveset has more than 25 years’ experience working in machine vision, 3D vision, metrology, digital imaging, medical imaging and medical engineering, as well as consultant for technology-based innovation. He as a BSc in telecommunications Engineering, specialization in medical engineering and in medical digital imaging. His main focus is on the strategic development of innovation organisations, and promoted R&D projects in machine vision, 3D Vision and industrial metrology sensors and applications. Furthermore, Mr. Ventura has chaired the EMVA, participates in several international associations and is member of the standardization committees (CEN-Cenelec, OSIS).

Kimmo Rossi
Head of Data Research and Innovation Sector, Data Policy and Innovation unit EC
Kimmo is Head of Data Research and Innovation Sector at the Data Policy and Innovation unit (CNECT.G1) at the European Commission – DG CONNECT. Since 2000, he has been working in the practical implementation of European research and innovation programs in various technology fields: natural language processing, statistical data processing and modeling, interfaces & interaction, and more recently, AI and big data.
He is currently working with stakeholders from industry, administrations and civil society to create a functioning market and re-use infrastructure for all kinds of data, especially for the purpose of powering trustworthy and ethically sound AI systems. This requires coordination and seamless interplay of policy, regulation and a mix of relevant technologies, including high-performance computing, IoT, machine learning and language technologies
Co-funded by the Horizon 2020
Framework Programme of the European Union
Under grant agreement No 780732