
Global Standards:
Contribution to the international standardization of European Industrial Data Space data models and open interfaces aligned with the European Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0)

Secure Digital Infrastructures:
Adaptation and extension of cloud and edge digital infrastructures to ensure high performance operation of the European Industrial Data Space; i,e, support of high-speed processing and analysis of huge and very heterogeneous industrial data sources.

Trusted Big Data Middleware:
Integration of the four main open source European initiatives (Industrial Data Space, FIWARE, Hyperledger, Big Data Europe) to support the development of open connectors and big data middleware with native blockchain support in the European Industrial Data Space.

Digital Manufacturing Platforms:
Open interfaces for the development of big data pipelines for advanced analysis services and data visualization supported by the main digital engineering, simulation, operations and industrial quality control platforms.

European certification program of equipment, infrastructures, platforms and big data services for their operation in the European Industrial Data Space.
Co-funded by the Horizon 2020
Framework Programme of the European Union
Under grant agreement No 780732